My Travels: Part 1 My name is Jo Kenny Paul Dalglish Brown( I think you can guess I was born in 66') , and I travel the world in search for artefacts, treasures and junk, you could say i'm a hoarder. I left home at the age of 17 and I live in my flat on Cotuams Place in north of London. I've covered Europe and now travel the America's. At the moment I'm in Peru on the 21st October at 1400 hours judging at the sun and the moons patterns. In the Temple of Melinkanis ( directly translated to "danger" in Peruvian) searching for the Melinkanis de Matryo which is the "Skull of Danger" but from all my research there could be nothing dangerous about it, except the fact it is made out of thrakistium, the most radioactive, corrosive element known to man, I should know, I discovered it. So here's: PLAN A Get in with my lead box past the poison spiked maze (take one step wrong , you die a slow and painful death), then get to the skull and replace with the exact replica I made back home. So then I have to trace back on my steps which should be easier because I will paint the bottom of my shoes with a fluorescent green paint so I can trace my steps, get out, get to Lima and put it back here in it's designated box.
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Kristian Szwedziuk
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