Translate   12 years ago

House Of The Dead #halloweenparty #halloweendecorations We walk the streets this halloween night, Looking for some treats We give out some mighty frights While on our quest for sweets We arrive at an old shack It looks ready to fall down It's made from wooden planks in black Sitting on a hilly mound In the windows there are cobwebs In the doorway, yellow light It's enough to make us run away But no way, not tonight! We walk up to the creaky door And breathe deep to calm our nerves When we're calm we finally knock One knock, two knock, four! At once an old man opens up He looks ghastly pale tonight Long skeletal fingers beckon us in Our bodies fill with fright But we're not scared! No not at all, For this is halloween! We must go in Or we will be, The cowards of the fall! So in we go, and pumpkins hang On the walls above our head The floorboads creak, the old man sneaks Through the House Of The Living Dead! Spiders roam across the floor As if the house is theirs Ghosts float across the halls Some even in pairs! The old man escorts us down some stairs To his cold little basement "Come my children, don't be scared! Come children, and be patient." Skeletons lay across the floor The souls that used to live The room is full of death and gore The worst treat he could ever give! "You see these skeletons, little child? They were just like you, last Halloween night. Wandering about, for a treat Something nice and sweet to eat! Well, you greedy kids! You come here every year. And every year I transform your souls, Into piles of bones and fear! Halloween is no fun for me, As you can surely see! For I am no longer a living man But a dead man who's still here. You've got one chance, you silly kids! I'll give it to you now. If you can find the key to this cage, I will let you out. The only problem is, my friends The key is hidden well. And you might have to die to find it, Die and go to hell. I'll give you one small clue, though For I feel I must be fair The key is in the stomach Of a man-eating bear! It's down those stairs, If you wish to try But please don't be too long If you go you will surely die And I will kill you if you don't So good luck my friends, for if you win You truly deserve to live Go get the key and then you're free To roam the night as kids! You have one hour from this moment, I'm counting down from now. Go get the key or you will be, One more skeleton on the floor."

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