Side Effects May Include: I curl myself up In this little Cocoon, of sorts Closing my kaleidoscope eyes, Hoping Pleading For a drop of the sweet liquor that is sleep The sheep Are taunting me, it seems Literally just Dancing Right upon my toes Too quickly to count So, there goes That Method I chase down a shot of reality with A sip of anxiety Laced with the slightest bit of insanity The burning aftertaste melts into a lingering distrust Causing me to Question Just why people Think The way they do Or Act The way they do Or Why my smile is So Goddamn Crooked And How Awful people can be so awful This Leads to my bed sheets My deliciously warm abode of cotton To slowly creep around my neck And As much as my fingers Were burning to rip at the sheets They were Frozen Seemingly glued to the mattress Tighter The sheets pulled Tighter The sheep Those goddamn dancing sheep Why weren't they saving me? Maybe Maybe I should have tried A little harder To count them in the First Place This is it I'm Going To Die By the fibers Of my bed sheets With Dancing sheep Mocking me At the foot Of My bed I think to myself "Maybe this isn't too bad" I let myself sink a Little Bit Farther The bed sheets get a Little Bit Tighter The night sky gets a Little Bit Lighter And The alarm clock sounds Before I ever know How it Ends ©Sabrina Smith October 2012

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