Murder #youngwritersemotion #insanity She cackles in as she sits in the bushes scheming. He laugh, if you could even call it that, rings out into the darkness, a bit like the sound of a dying crow. All that she possesses is a long slender piece of blue licorice and she flicks it against her palm, waiting. Ed Sharl, walks down Maple Road, right past the bush, face tight with the stress of a long day at the office. He can't wait to get home to his daughter Christine, and to rest for once, somewhat free of pressure. The lady's ratty, dirty, brown hair stands on end. She is cackling again in her mind, thinking about her plan unfolding. As Ed is almost past the bush, she leaps out, cackling with adrenaline, anger, and joy all at once. She wraps the piece of licorice around his neck, and lets it pull tighter and tighter until it completely crushes his throat and the light of the living disappears from his eyes. And the woman, she just cackles some more, and races out into the woods with a creepy joy.

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