Translate   12 years ago

Her Days Are Over Ravens fly above her body. She stares, expressionless, at the sky. The sky that used to be a vast blue mural. What happened to everything? She doesn't know. She lives in a place with nothing and no one. Except for these ravens, of course. The ravens that rid her of the #life she once had. The ravens who were not even ravens themselves. The ravens who now turned into people wearing black-hooded cloaks that covered half of their faces. They approach her, but she stays still and continues to stare at the whiteness above. The sky looked like it couldn't feel... like her. She couldn't feel anything, couldn't feel the emotions that once filled her heart. "Asgarth, wants to see you," they said, then transformed back to their raven forms, cawing at her to hurry up for Asgarth was never a patient person. She closed her eyes for a second, enjoying the fact that all she could see was nothingness. She would've loved to live in this nothingness, to just sit there and think. But her #life is already gone. That joyous #life of smiles and her Mother's baguettes were now over. This, is who she is now. Sighing, she opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She didn't care that her tunic dress was tattered and ripped. She didn't care that her hair was messily in a bun. She hadn't had the time to brush it. She didn't care about anything anymore. A swirl of wind appeared before her and there stood Asgarth, crossing his arms. His black hair dancing as the wind slowly dissipated. "I called for you." He confidently walks towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiles. Only Asgarth... He was the only one that could make her smile these days... With a kiss on her forehead, Asgarth whispered in her ear those words she dreaded would one day come. "It's time for your judgement."

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