Translate   12 years ago

Ch. 6: Madison & Tyler Skipping class wasn't on my agenda, but it had to be done. I waited patiently, and listened for the faint locker sounds. I was staked out at our usual hiding place, ( and when I say "our", I mean the group). It was a loft/ attic for the school above the locker rooms. It, or " The Stakeout" as Lilly called it, was extremely difficult to get in to....if you didn't know the secret way. First, you had to go into the storage room, and climb up the ladder, into the little, upper storage room. Then you open up the lower cabinets, and climb through. She remembered Lilly in 2nd grade would go up there to do her homework, since her mom worked here. Now they all go up here, and sometimes just skips class. I heard a noise which made me jump off the old couch in the corner. But it was Tyler..he always had trouble getting through the little lock-door we installed a month ago. Ever since some cheerleaders found this place out too. I pulled him up as he tucked his key in his pocket. " Darn, we need to find a bigger door." I laughed as he took a seat on the couch, as so did I." Look..." I said nervously, ringing out my hands."About the dance, uhm I can't-" I was cut off by him rubbing my hand. Soft touch for a football player. I looked at him, and he knew he got me." Yeah, about that...I was thinking you could go as a cheerleader, and I could go in my football jersey." I gleamed up at him, and nodded. "Yeah. That's sounds- wait. Dressed up as what, again?" I said, giving him a cold stare. He shivered as if it really worked." A cheerleader." I clenched my teeth, and threw my head back to let out a laugh. Tyler knew how much I despised the sport, or hobby. Cuz it definitely wasn't a sport. It was that reason why females are seen weak, because the cheerleaders represent girls aggression...and Cheerleading has NO aggression! I dropped his hand." No! I refuse to Tyler Short, NO!!!" I was already picking up her jacket to leave. Tyler grabbed my arm." Look, the team is having a competition. Whoever can go with a date, and get her to dress up in matching outfit the best...gets $100..each!" He finished with a little excitement in his voice. It sort of stunned me, to pay that much just so the football players dress up, and have fun with a coach."Well sorry. Your just going to have to loose." Then he said something that made me stop and turn." Matthew is participating with Chloe, and they said you were to un-creative you'd loose anyways!" He caught his breath, and I walked over to him. I tilted his head up, and hugged him. " Fine. But just because I want to make Chloe eat those words." Tyler smiled, and wrapped his hand around my mid-waist. I touched his lower stomach, and he leaned down to give me a kiss. I let him, then I nudged him off. I went over to the door and got down on my knees." But were going as a zombie football couple." And I crawled out, with a turn of my hips.

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