How Fate Changed My #life Chapter two As I slipped into the back of Jacks polo, (sidenote: which was a glinting red and smelt like lemon) Jake was fiddling with the radio, which was illuminated by soft blue lights. An American radio station burst to #life, and Jake laughed at the cheesy joked the clueless DJ was making. Jake, who was sitting in the back too, sighed and said to me quietly. 'You'll get used to it.' 'Uh, right. You never explained why you were giving me a lift though.' 'About th- OhlookwerehereheytheresHarry!', Jack said, blushing a little. I thought they would take off back into their popular bubble after, and I was pretty much right. 'Jazz, You cant have pacman ghosts on a harvest box!', complained one of my friends, Fern. Jazz sighed and scribbled on the army of retro ghosts. We had to split up in groups and decorate harvest boxes to fill with tins... And.. Soup or something. I had my head down, drawing a harvest collage as an idea while Fern, Jazz, And Lucy threw ideas about. Jake sauntered over and said cheekily, 'Ello Ladies, need any assistance?' 'Oh my gosh, shield my eyes. I am not worthy...', said Jazz, flatly and sarcastically. Jake took a paint brush smothered in autumnal green paint and sloshed it upwards, where it landed in Jazz's hair. 'Okay-', Jazz scraped her chair back painfully, and walked over to Jakes box. 'Uuuugh. I wont ruin it because I'm not going to spoil it for YOU.', Jazz proclaimed as she pointed to Jack and his friends.

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