Summer Break (Pt 24) I like this sweet part I went out clubbing with Josh. He needed the toilet. I stood right there, drinking. Suddenly, Harry came. He took me into the forest and bit me. I was screaming for Josh but he was gone. He never came back..................... I woke up screaming and sweating all over. "Josh!!!" "Are you OK babe!? I was so worried!" "I'm fine umm just a nightmare .........." "Remember Julia. I'm here to protect you now. Nobody can get my girlfriend." he finished. I was glad to have him. If I didn't, well........... Let's not get to that yet. It was 080. "Are we heading out today?" "Babe! Your pregnant! You have to rest. You've had enough drama as it is! We're staying here today. You have GOT to rest. OK?" "I got it," I mumbled, annoyed. It was for the best though I guess. I was beginning to feel a lot of pain now. It was starting. "I'll get you breakfast in bed. What do you want?" "Nothing, nothing." "You've got to eat." "I'm not hungry." "You'll get bloody anorexia! AND you are pregnant if you hadn't noticed!" "Yeah yeah." "Oh god. I'll make you an omelette and some cereal. I'll feed you myself if I have to." he joked. I laughed. He's cute. And funny. A perfect boy for me. He went downstairs and I was left alone. I suddenly had a thought. 'What if Harry gets me?!' ugh don't be stupid Julia. Josh is only downstairs. I flicked the telly on to Bride Wars. Aaww yay. I love this movie. I was watching when I heard the soft click of the door opening. I looked up feeling really scared thinking it was Harry. "You look like you've seen a ghost Julia!" said Josh. "Oh its nothing," I said quietly. He passed the tray over to me. "Thanks so much. I've never really had a boyfriend that cares for me like you do." "Well switch the TV off and tell you a bit about yourself." I did as he said and told him the whole story of me and how I got to Las Vegas. It was nice, snuggled in bed together, chatting. "Now I've finished I want to know something about you. We only met yesterday remember?" He laughed. "Oh yeah. Funny isn't it. Well, then here it goes. So I am 19 years old and I'm originally from Washington DC and believe it or not I'm half Spanish. From Madrid. Yeah, it's my mom that was Spanish. My full name is Joshua but I tend not to call myself that because I think it sounds tacky. So when I was 3 war broke out in Spain. My father moved here with us because my grandparents are here. I have an elder sister who is 21, that's all. But Lily had moved to Boston with her boyfriend two years ago. I've been staying here since then having a normal #life when suddenly something happened. I was walking in the forest with my ex girlfriend and saw a vampire drinking some girls blood. I immediately got really angry but instead of running away I began to glow. I didn't know this odd power of mine till I questioned my parents in the evening. Apparently, all my ancestors had been angels that were protecting humans from the dark, evil vampires. Somehow, when you get angry, your body begins to glow and that scares off vampires. I've never actually known why. It's just one of those things. So I've been doing my duty since then when I met you yesterday. Angels can sense a special person nearby and you are one of them. I mean special, not in evil but like an angel I guess. You can do good things that an angel cannot do. You will learn that when you are in one of your dangerous times. So that's how it goes." he finished. "Wow, I never knew that about myself. That's brilliant!!!" We both laughed and felt totally in love. "I'm glad I have you Josh. I know this is an odd question but what's your last name?" "Carter." Oh. Mm. Carter. How does this sound? Joshua and Julia Carter? Thats nice. Ohh I like. Julia Carter. Julia Carter. That sounds beautiful. Tags @DarkPrincessGirl @DrewTexas @Twilightianalex @Tizzy @BlackKnight @Ipikachu @cammored @happydaysrgr @LaughOutLoud @millie_collyer @cherrypopicecream @#lifeIsMusic @cookiekitty45
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Kenzie Sapphire ð
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