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Beyond Heaven & Hell Recommended soundtrack: "#life and death" http://snd.sc/dVselL My journey continues as it passes through steep hills made of choices that keep altering my way ahead. Tricky rivers made of mistakes that could have drowned me forever had there been no friend-ships made out of hope that kept saving me from getting lost in the currents of regret. Passing through green pastures glowing under the golden sun which keeps hiding behind milky clouds, creating a shadowy scenery of lights over the rich soil of love. But sometimes it gets dark, and the way ahead becomes silver-like and fades away under the cloud veiling#moonlights, Shadows then begin to over-lay the soft waters that used to be twinkling like Christmas tree lights, and heavy rain starts to burden my journey as it shivers my feelings of love, and I become heartless, as the cold winds start creeping into my bones like a vampire thirsting for more. #life then seems to wither and fade away as I progress deeper into a darker night, a night that knows no dawn, nor has it seen her beautiful smile. And I become all alone, facing this world on my own, waiting for the golden sun to rise once more, and shine upon the green pastures that died for too long. Where am I now in this journey of mine? I feel as if I got lost, but actually I don't mind. Beauty lies within discovering the unknown, even though I'm gonna have to do it alone, but I shall be strong for I'm gonna find my way home, and achieve the goals I've searched for too long. Then I'll finally be ready to die, and leave my friends behind, those who helped me out*, whom I couldn't have made it without, and those who made it hard, but helped me guide my heart. I shall thank you all for that, for you have made my journey look alive. There's only one way now, which is the road to awe, beyond that I can see no more, and this journey of mine will have its turn, into a brand new world that knows neither limits nor laws, and holds so many wonders, grace and love. But how my journey then will unfold, I do not yet know. Shall I continue this journey forever more? And have immortality in that world? I cannot bare living this long. I just want my journey to rest and be gone, into a silent land that knows no sound, into a dark oblivion with neither fear nor love. I want to rest my soul, and travel all the way home. Cause "forever" is a word that can never be known; it holds so much weight on my thoughts and bares a huge load. So dear soul, I'm heading home, where you'll travel no more, heading beyond death, beyond heaven and hell, into oblivion I shall go, into nonexistence I shall return once more. My journey will continue into worlds I have not known, but I hope someday it will return to where it once were... -Home-... which is not being anymore. Sam. 3:27 AM 10/2/2011 -Final Edition- Version 2.0 •One sentence was inspired by J.R.R Tolkien. •The note may show that I'm a little depressed, but actually I'm not, I'm kind of happy in this era of my #life * This note is dedicated to everyone that helped** me through my #life, (Amr Khalifa, Lilas Kotob, Leen Abdulmohsen, Sarah Al-Kharsa, Kamal Baghdadi, Mishel Bashour, Maya Al-Muradi, Alayham Alogaidi... I'm not gonna close the bracket just yet, 'cause I hope I'll come across other people that will contribute into my journey, but still, nothing in the way the first 3 have changed it. ** Please note that the past tense does not indicate that I'm gonna commit suicide or anything We're such in a hurry that we never stop, even for a second, to wake up from the daily maze and look around us, to realize where we really stand in this #life, and think about the rest of our journey.

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