übersetzen   12 Jahre

Love & Hate Love, What is it? What does it mean? Is it something we feel? Or is it something we know? Can you know Love? Can you feel Love? Who knows? Love is something we see, We see it in their eyes, But is it Love? Or is it Lust? If it is Lust, Then surely it’s trivial, Or is it? I don’t believe in Love, It’s all Lust. Isn’t it? Hate, Do we really Hate? Can we possibly feel Hate? And if we can How do we know? Do you Hate anyone? No I thought not, Not really. Hate may be a feeling of despise, Or maybe it’s jealousy? Are you jealous? They say that when you Hate You have a fire in your eyes. But all I see is embers, Just dying embers. I don’t believe in Hate, It’s all jealousy, Isn’t it? If Love became Lust And Hate became Jealousy, Surely then the world Would be a better place, Wouldn’t it?

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