Translate   12 years ago

Earliest Memories No.2 I remember when I was about 6 years old, which wasn't too long ago since I'm only 16, a girl who lived at the end of my road had a sandbox in her back garden. There was 4 of us. Me, the girl who lived in the house with the sandbox and my neighbour and her little sister. They all went to the sandbox house and asked for me come. I had to see if I was allowed. I was the kind of 6 year old who had to ask her mom for permission before doing anything. Anything and everything! So ... It was then I had my first rebellious moment. I snuck into the house amd went to get my bucket and spade which was in the utility closet. I opened the door as quietly as I could and got the bucket and spade successfully. Then...on my way out.. I got caught by my mother. It was that gushing waterfall feeling when your stomach just drops when you've been caught that I can't forget. Now I still ask for my mom's permission to this day. Lesson= 6 year olds and rebels... End up getting caught. Don't try this at home. That is all

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