Fifty Shades Of..... Have you read the books yet? I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the story of the rich, horny control freak with mother issues. Mr Grey apparently will be responsible for the biggest baby boom since the war when no one had any electricity and nothing better to do than get down and do the bad thing! After reading them all, feeling quite sad the whole affair was over I wondered what I was going to miss the most? Was it the sex in the Red Room with all his toys and contraptions? Was it the control he demanded Anastasia put up with? Or was it the refreshing attitude of do as I say because it matters not to me? How many women sat and read these books fantasising that they were Miss Steel and the man sitting in their lounge watching TV would all of a sudden turn into Mr Grey and have their wicked way with them? I did! Christian had the money to do anything he pleased. He could afford anything, he could fly planes, buy a company just so he could fire someone and from my imagination looked like Brad Pitt with a Tom Hardy twist of rough. Did the story spark a fantasy within that all girls wish for or just remain a fantasy for arousal only? Would I want to be with a man with that many issues? Who had to control everything down to love making? I can safety say I wouldn't, I enjoy the respect in my relationship and the ability to want to achieve great things together. My Mr Grey is called Darren and he is all man minus the plane and the Red Room. Although I enjoyed Christian he isn't the kind of man you live with, he is the kind of guy you pick up, abuse for an hour or so and put back on the shelf.
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