Luxy's Story Hello, my name is Luxy, I'm a 22 year-old, royal blue Pegasus that has a four pointed star for a cutie mark. My hair is yellow, red and ora- I mean black! Ugh! There is no need to hide it, I dye my orange in my hair black. Here's my story... My mom is a purple unicon with yellow hair, her cutie mark and profession is candles. She came from Canterlot, her name is Sweet Flame. My father is a cyan Pegasus with red, yellow and orange hair, his cutie mark is a cloud with rainbow drops coming out of it. His profession is weather just like me. His name is Color Drops. They met in Ponyville and instantly fell in love, they dated for five years and got married. One year later, they had me. It was my first birthday when I met her, my auntie. She had a rainbow mane and tail, she was cyan like my dad, her eyes were magenta. Her cutie mark was a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming out of it. My dad said her name was Rainbow dash, I called her Auntie Dashie. She instantly sat me on her lap and rubbed my head. "Hello, Luxy!" she said to me with a smile on her face, "Helwo Auntie Dashie!" I said back with a smile of pure happiness. That was the first time I loved someone who wasn't one of my parents. When I was three, I went to a Pegasus pre-school. There, I found my first best friend. She came from royalty and was an alicorn. Her parents were Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. She was a deep orange with light-green, purple and light blue hair. Her eyes were a nice purple. She introduced her self as Gold Heart. I said I was Luxy. We became great friends that day, very great friends. That same day is when it happened. A dragon came out of nowhere. The dragon ripped through the sky and shot fire down below. Just that moment, I was sitting on my first cloud, a black cloud. I had a great view of the dragon, just that moment, the dragon shot at me. I screamed and closed my eyes, hoping I was dreaming. Things got quiet, I opened my eyes and saw that I was being covered by my auntie, her wings were spread over me. Her flank was ripped up, her other wing looked burnt. There was a moment of silence as I heard her last breath, and just like that, she was gone. I looked up and saw that the dragon had left, it just got bored. I looked to my left to see Auntie Dashie.. I cried and cried. That night, I couldn't sleep. When I was eight, I got my cutie mark. Me and Gold Heart were put into the same flight camp. We were learning how to fly, when I got the idea to get a near-by black cloud and kick it. Easy to say, lightning came out of the cloud and a flash of legends on my flank as my cutie mark appeared. I was so happy, I cried! When I was ten, I dyed my orange hair black. I thought bout my past and realized I couldn't go on knowing it was my fault the element of loyalty died. The thing that reminded me of her was my orange hair, so, I dyed it. When I was fifteen, I learned I was the element of loyalty. Gold Heart, or her nick-name : Gold, was told to study the elements of harmony by her parents. There she learned, that when an element dies and doesn't have children, their favorite sibiling's first child was the new element, if the element didn't have any sibilings, their favorite family member was to be the element. Loyalty only had one sibling, and that was my father! So I was chosen to be element for then. When I was seventeen, I killed a dragon. It was the same dragon that killed auntie, I swear. It had the same colored scales and same voice. Gold was told to get an element she knew to kill the dragon. Surprise, surprise it was me. She gave me armor and weapons. When I was about to leave, she gave me a necklace. The necklace was solid gold and had a gew in it, the gem was slightly yellow and was shaped like lightning. I took it and smiled "Thanks for the loyalty." I said as I put it on. I left the castle and trekked forward. I trekked for many days and nights, until, I got to the volcano. It was the biggest volcano I ever saw. I trekked closer to the volcano and flew up it. Inside, I saw a dragon. It's eyes filled with pure evil, sitting on a giant pile of gems. I charged forth, I struck the mighty lizard with the sharp utensil and screamed. The dragon lashed at me and hit. I fell to the ground, I thought my #life was over until, the necklace glowed. I somehow floated upward and a flash of light exploded out of the gem. It was beautiful... When I was twenty, I became a legend. It was normal day until. Something waddled into town. It was eaten up and growling. It was dead, yet alive. I called them cloppers. We I ran and got my element and got to canterlot there, I found five more ponies discussing who was loyalty I walked into their conversation and introduced myself. They introduced themselves too. There was a dark purple unicorn with light pink hair that had a quill for a cutie mark, her name was Dusklight Sparkle. There was a red earth pony with orange hair that had an apple with a flower for a cutie mark, her name was Apple Blossom. There was a light blue unicorn with curly, blonde hair and a red gem for a cutie mark, her name was Diamond. There was a reddish yellow Pegasus that had a long, pink mane with a blonde tint and a flower for a cutie mark, her name was Sweety Shy. Last, but not least there was a pink pony with a puffy blonde and pink hair and a cupcake for a cutie mark, her name was Fluffamena Diane Pie, or Fluffy Pie. We all got in the center of equestria and the magic of well, the elements shot out and everything of the cloppers was gone. When I was twenty two, I became royalty... I'm now a mail pony for other dimensions. That's my story for now, just remember, this is where the story ends and legend continues. What's your story?

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