Traducciones   12 años

Things That Bug Me No offence, Glee fans out there, but why is your show all over the place? It annoys the heck outta me. It's on my tumblr dash, it trends on twitter. Oh, oh, and yesterday my sister told me she did not unterstand why you would possibly consider canceling it if Vampire Diaries, which is my favorite tv show, has so much worse ratings....And then she got all "What? Why are you mad? " when I got a bit cold. Also? I'm sick of the endless Brody/Finchel whatever debate. Newsfalsh: EVERYBODY, even if they're not part of the Glee fandom, knows that Finn and Rachel ate eventually gonna get back together. But no, my sister needs me to comfirm that twice a day.... Also, they're covering Coldplay now. It's like nowadays you can't have a favorite song that's NOT been covered by Glee. Pffft...Sorry just had to get this out. I really don't mean to insult Glee or the Glee fandom, sometimes I even watch it with my sister, but lately she' been rubbing it in my face 24/7...So I guess I'm more bugged by her steady 'Oh my god and Brody sucks so much and oh my god Finn and Rachel may never ever get back together, MY HEART IS DYING'-rants than with the thing itself. Sadly I can't tell her that, because she gets mad when I tell her she's overacting. Wow, that was random... Love, F PS.: Providing further proove, because my sister just stormed out of the room 'cause I didn't find people bashing on Brody hillarious. Like seriuosly? He's only a person and not even a real one. He hasn't kissed her yet, he hasn't taken shower-snapshots, he hasn't killed anyone, by now his biggest crime is admitting to liking Rachel...

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