Traduire   13 années depuis

Regret The mistakes I have made, And the second thoughts, I allowed to fade, The things I have done, The challenges I have faced, Even the ones I won, Acceptable errors? Or unforgivable disasters? It does not matter, For given a second chance, I would still stand here, And even with a side ways glance, I look back, Upon the path I have walked, A little off the beaten track, The dreams I have stalked, And the battles I have fought, The ways in which I have failed, Bring me here, The times in which I have succeeded, Bring me here, The words I have not heeded, Bring me here, Every action I have taken in this world, Beings me here, So you ask of my regrets? And I shall proclaim the truth, The simple fact, That I have none, For all the things I have done, Combines my path to your one, And here we stand, Hand in hand, Hearts entwined.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère