Translate   12 years ago

Young Love Chapter 17 Sorry it's been two weeks! I've had a TON of homework and sadly have had no time for Opuss. Here's Chapter 17 though and I will try to write another one this weekend! I walked back from the beach holding Gavin's hand. "Here's a towel Callie." he said throwing me one. "Thanks Gavin! I'm going to go freshen up. After three days at sea I could use it." "Okay. Put something cute on. I'm taking you somewhere special tonight." "Where?" "I can't tell you. Now go!" he said. "You wouldn't want to be late." Half and hour later I came downstairs feeling fresh and clean. I had put on a floral skirt with a white tanktop and flip flops unsure of what to wear for I didn't know what Gavin had planned. "There you are beautiful!" said Gavin. "You ready?" "I'd be even more ready if I knew where we were going." "I told you. It's a suprise!" said Gavin. "Alright. Alright. Can we go already?" "It would be my honor." said Gavin grabbing my arm. I walked down the stairs to the beach still holding Gavin's hand. "Leave your shoes here." he said. "Okay." I replied. Why did he want me to leave my shoes there? We're just walking the beach. "Close your eyes now Callie." "You want me to do what?" I asked. "Just close your eyes. Trust me Callie. I've got you." said Gavin. He walked me down the beach for what felt like hours. "Are we there yet?" I asked. "Not yet." "How about now?" "As I said ten seconds ago, no." replied Gavin. "Alright." I said. We walked for a few more minutes in silence. Then things changed. "Why are my feet wet?" I asked. "Because we're here."Said Gavin. "You can open your eyes Callie!" Before me stood a beautiful sight. There was a table for two placed on the shore lines with two plates and a rose. "Suprise!" said Gavin handing me the rose. "Oh my gosh Gavin! I don't know what to say!" "You don't have to." said Gavin kissing me. "Would you like to take a seat?" "Yes please." I replied giggling. "I hope you like spagetti." said Gavin. "It's the only thing I could make by myself." "Well I love it!" I said. The two of us dug into our spagetti. It was delicious and I couldn't belive that Gavin thought of himself as a bad cook. I took a forkful of spagetti and placed it in my mouth, but there was another end to that spagetti not in my mouth. I looked up and saw the other end in Gavin's mouth. I stood up and leaned in twords Gavin. His lips touched mine and he kissed me passionetly. "I love you!" I said. "I love you too Callie."

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