Fires Of Spirits... Toby, Lucia and Margot Three ordinary kids! Well if only "mom like why do you like have to send us away like this???" asked Margot grumpy. "yeh like OMG! I gotta text from like my mates and they were like I will miss you!! I don't wanna go!" moaned Lucia Toby stayed quiet, "I like granny" "she's creepy" shuddered Margo,"and nuts!" 2 hours later they were standing outside the mansion there granny hobbled out... " child-rennnnnn s-s-s-s do not be s-s-s-scared of your S-s-sweet granny! I will look after yous!" she stuttered, "s-s-see you Kate!" pushing there mum out the door, "shhhh children the lisps part of the act, welcome to your nightmare!!!! -if you like this please tell me and I will continue this story...

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