Translate   12 years ago

Letters - Chapter 2 Wednesday feels more promising as I wake and practically run to the door to find no letters. I get dressed and ready for work with a spring in my step. I think it helps that it's a sunny morning of a new day when everything seems less scary and suspicious. However, I'm not blind to what happened last night and take extra care to lock all the windows and front door. On the way to my office where I work for a beauty company and conduct market research, I pop into 'Joe's Coffee' and order my usual- a cappuccino to take away. While I waiting for my drink, I take up conversation with Joe who knows me well. He's easy to talk to and get along with and since I always leave quite early for work, I often stop for a chat. I try to say it lightly as a joke as I begin, "Hey Joe, you won't believe this but last night, I received an anonymous letter saying I'M WATCHING YOU. At first I thought it was a-" "I'm not sure you should be this light and cheery about this, Hel. It's not your everyday post, is it?" His response to what I said stops me in my tracks. He's right. I probably shouldn't be light and jokey about this until I am ultimately certain it was a joke. Which I'm not. We resume talking but about otter things. Normal things. Not suspicious letters arriving for you. I can't concentrate as I send emails to hundreds of clients asking about their cosmetic brand favourites. I think I'll feel better when I get home and see that nothing's arrived. But what if it has? Oh god, I think. If I get home in a few hours and there IS something there, I'm going to freak out more and be afraid of my own home. I'm shivering and realise my hand's shaking and so caught up in my own thoughts that I don't realise that she's standing there until I get up to get some fresh air and see her. It startles me and I regain my breath slowly. "Gosh Helen, you look awful. No offence but you look like you've seen a ghost!" Trust Lindsay to be blunt but as I walk outside and catch sight of myself in a mirror, I realise she's right. We chat outside but I just shrug off my shakes and say I'm not feeling great. This still might be nothing and I've already told Joe, no need to worry Lindsay too. She makes me feel better by gossiping and chatting aimlessly and I feel OK as I finish my day off. Although I'm not stupidly happy like this morning, I'm alright. Until I get to my front door. I take a breath. This is make or break. I'm praying to God there's nothing there as I cautiously push open the door- Oh Thank God! There's nothing there! I smile stupidly and chuck my shoes off before I nearly skip off to my bedroom and slip into some pyjamas and slippers. A hot chocolate would be nice, I think. I pad over to the kitchen, humming a cheery tune... And actually scream when I see it. My hands come to my face and I sob silently. I sink to the floor for a few minutes before I manage to crawl over and pick up the tatty brown envelope, lying there on my kitchen table, once again with 'Helen' on the front. My fingers fumble and rip the envelope open as the scrap of paper falls out and lands face up. My tears drip on to the tiles as I flip it over and see -in the same handwriting- 'WATCH OUT'. I stop breathing for a second before a fresh lot of tears fall and I quietly moan. I've just realised how much deeper this goes, what this means. The writer hasn't only hand delivered this but been in my apartment and put this here. Stood on my floor, touched my things and the thought repulses me. And, oh god, they can get in too- with ease.

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