#life Is A School School can be a horrible place. No, school is a horrible place. It's full of snotty, snidey, selfish people but it's also full of the social outcasts and geeks and whatever you want to call them, but what I'm trying to say is, its full of stereotypes! And that's what #life is, you can't be an individual anymore, you got to be a sheep to be cool, follow the z-list cele-brat-ies like there Jesus or something Holy. Ok here's the break down starting at the top: 1. The 'populars'. The high flyers. The 'loving #lifers'. the 'YOLO crew' you know what I mean, The ones that party everyweek end and never shut up about it? Ok before I murder them with my words some of the guys/girls (although there usually guys) are alright decent people, but then there's the total t***'s who bully, belittle and bulls**t just so they can get to the top. There nice to each other but as soon as a 'unpopular' says hi or does something friendly they probably laugh at your face, and they're only friends with you when it suit them and there probably only friends with you so they can stick there noses into your business although they'd prefere to call it 'gossip'. There also the Celebrities of the school, the tred setters. 2. Now you have the average guys. Average grades, average looks, average wealth, average everything. And your thinking, what's wrong with that? Well if everyone is average then, your all the same, they might as well stick a 'made in china' sticker on your butt and brand you as robots. There also the sheep, to scared to start something new themselves and only do what's approved by the rest of society. They can talk to whoever they want, there friends with everyone but there always the ones who feel the most alone. 3. Then there's the hipsters. The 'I was cool before it was cool' kind of people. There usually really attractive or look like death, one of the two. You can find them in there usual habit of tumbr, because they've already been shoved off of twitter by all the 'populars' and who ever else that follows. Most hipsters LOVE Coldplay, that's a fact. They would have claimed to have started a trend and when doing so they would have been laughed at because it wasn't cool, then three months later what they were doing is the next big thing. This is usually the case. 4. The workers. These people are not the geeks because they don't go on about how smart they are. There usually quit and get along with there day. They may look like they have no problems, but they do, and they would rather stay away from the attention. These people will the the most successful, I'll put my house on it. But they will lead the most boring #life's. Usually work from 9/5 and come home and tend for there cats. 5. Geeks, boffins, nerds. These guys know there smart and use it for there gain. Thank good there usually timid and shy creatures but if given confidence, they can be incredibly dangerous! They're gifted on computers and live there #life on them. They have no #life outside the house but they have friends- even if there 40 year old virgins dwarf Elf's from the USA. 6. Then there's everybody else, and that's how there classed, not important for there own classification, they just sit there at the bottom of the pile. There full of the smokers, drug takers, overweight ones and mentally Ill. There full of a lot of spite and wish there #life was different, but that's why there down here, they wish, they dream, and the painful truth is.. Dreams are always lost in the stars, impossible to reach. But goals can always be achieved, scored. And ya this Doesn't end when you get your grades and move on, cause your not the only one moving on as well, these guys move on with you, you can't escape it, you will find one of each of these types of person in your #life I promise but if your sill reading this don't think you have to fit into one of these groups. Be yourself, break the mould and be unique, dare to be different. Forget what people think because the people who care Don't matter and the people who matter Don't care.

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