Translate   12 years ago

Ruby It was 6:30pm when he came for me with Truffle. Neighing, she accepted my gift of an apple and we got going. 'Where first?' Indigo questioned, 'The Docks' was the usual answer but this time I was feeling new. 'Cantina Bay' He grinned and rode me off into the night. Cantina Bay was an unseen island myth that appeared to be towards the left of the forest. No-one had found it but,since my 6th birthday it had become my dream. 8 years on and it still is. I had my sparkly indigo top on and some old jeans. They smelt of home, back in California. We sailed through forests, supported by the grip of Truffle's mane. I could hear Indigo's breathing down my neck and Truffle's occasional sigh. What came next stopped us in our tracks. 'Ruby.' , he hesitated, 'Run.'

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