Translate   13 years ago

Lamb Stew Chapter one I never wanted to come to Finland in the first place. I mean, finland? Who moves there? Most people move to Australia or america but my stupid parents wanted to move to Finland. When my mum and dad broke the news to me I thought they were joking but obviously not because here I am. I'll rewind to about a month ago. ' Come on Mil, it'll be fun!' my mum said. ' For you!' ' For all of us!' ' We'll all get fed up after a month!' My dad butted in, ' Mil, stop being selfish! It's a great opportunity for all of us, trust us, you'll love it!' ' No dad. I love it here, where all my friends are!' Okay, that's a lie. I don't have any friends. Don't take me for a loner or anything, it's my choice. I mean, why have people tag along with you when you can do everything yourself? My mum and dad think I'm really popular, how gullible are they? Anyway, at first I refused to go but that didn't last long, my brother was all up for it so I didn't stand a chance. I don't know why I was so against going, I mean, what am I leaving behind? I think I've become quite attached to the lamb stew at my local takeaway. ' Do they have lamb stew in Finland?' I asked my mum when we were packing. ' Why do you care about lamb stew Mil?' ' Well, I tried to work out what it is I'm going to miss most and it's the lamb stew at that restaurant round the corner.' My mum laughed. 'I'm sure they will!' I left the room to go and check my phone, I had that feeling I had a text, well I heard my phone beep. It was from this girl in my school, Jess. She seemed alright, always stalking me though. How does she even have my number? The text read: ' hiya what ya up to? How's finland? Plz reply x' I text back, ' if Finland is my bedroom it's great, I leave next week, how do you have my number?' I left my phone in my bedroom, which was surprisingly full since I couldn't bring myself to sort through it, we still had a whole week left, I'll just do it tomorrow. Just then I heard my mum shout me for my tea. I went downstairs, pausing to look at all of the pictures that are placed on the wall outside my bedroom. They were all baby pictures of me and my brother, Connor. Vaguely I heard my mum shout me again, and so I went down the stairs and into our small kitchen. As soon as I arrived my mum turned away from the stove and launched me into a backbreaking hug.

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