Translate   12 years ago

Pink Nails Lola walked down her road- why did she feel so common here? She chewed her gum like anyone else, and had her favourite Pink nails. 1 year ago her hair never looked common. Her brown ombréd blonde hair was fishtailed, sweeping over her shoulder to her waist- her aqua blue shirt made this almost impossible though. It was her father's old shirt- she'd always wear it when she was a toddler and on her 13th birthday, she could finally own it. She'd paint her face with make up in it, and curl her clients hair in it. It seemed unbeatable. Until she met her cousin- and their nail varnish. Lola loved her nails, and applying glitter and colours to her clients nails made her own even more beautiful. But when her cousin Ellie came over, she brought the small happy world to an end. 'Lol! Don't you love my straightened hair?'and that was it. Lola was entranced in Ellie's beauty, despite the fakeness. She stared at Ellie's 3cm eyelashes and foundation and gawped at the flawlessness it brought. Ellie had her twisted round her ringer an took joy in doing so- and Lola's birthday shortly approached. Lola mother came downstairs 'Happy birthday beautiful!' Lola grinned at the compliment and opened her presents. Her and Ellie spend the afternoon chilling in her bedroom, Lola in her blue shirt. 'Happy Birthday Lol ' Ellie anounced as she handed Lola a tiny box,sealed with a purple ribbon. Purple was Lola's worst colour before her heart became entwined with Ellie's... She unpeeled the top to reveal a hot pink nail polish bottle. Ellie stroked the brush finely over Lola's pale pink cuticles. '!' The bottle collapsed into Lola's lap.Lola screamed in horror. 'Never mind, it's just a scruffy shirt anyway- I've always hated it!' So Lola threw the top in the lush bin,where her mum found it moments later. Lola's mum cried for a while before shooing Ellie discreetly outside. She only had to look at Lola to show what she'd found. Lola burst into floods of tears,and wrapped her arms around her mother. 'I'm sorry.'

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