Translate   12 years ago

Alphabet Story Alien warships descended upon the lonely shack. Bernard, whom the shack belonged to, was worried to say the least. 
Cows were usually the biggest trouble he came across living in the middle of a field. 
Death rays exploded from the ships and drove themselves far into the ground making the little shack rattle with fear.
Even the lonesome flowerpot that Bernard tended to let out a little whimper. 
For years Bernard had lived here and prepared for every eventuality except this one. 
Giant green saucers flying overhead were hardly an occurrence that he could have predicted.
How on earth did they end up here anyway? Surely they should have gone to a city somewhere.
 It’s no wonder Bernard’s eyes began to water up, his fear was uncontrollable
Just as the first tear fell to the ground he heard a massive thud echo through the door of his shack.
 Kroksag, the alien leader had landed his saucer into the field.
 Less than a minute passed before steps emerged from Kroksag’s ship and he came strolling out.
 Mid-stride he stopped and sucked in the air around him with a proud expression plastered over his green slimy face. 
No man/creature on Earth had ever felt so proud and satisfied as Kroksag did at that moment. 
Over the window sill Bernard was watching and waiting, quietly observing every move that the strangely shaped green man made.
Past experience had taught Bernard that it was wise not to act too rashly in situations such as these.
 Quite obviously Bernard hadn’t ever been in a situation much like this, but he was a clever man and could draw some parallels.
 Right then, Krokstag raised his right arm which was holding a strange looking pistol. 
Shots fired straight from the pistol glowing with green.
 Two more shots followed in the direction of the ground as silence rung out over the field.
Under the grass where Krokstag had shot, there was a rumble.
 Veins slowly began to grow through the grass and form themselves into a sort of throne.
 When the throne was fully formed, Krokstag took a seat. 
“eXecute them all” he said with a laugh and a wave of his hand. 
“You can’t do that!” yelled Bernard as he flung open the door of his shack and flung his kitchen knife straight towards the unsuspecting alien King.
 Zoom went the knife, straight through the forehead of Krogstag as green puss and blood spurted everywhere burning the walls of Bernard’s lonesome Shack.

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