Translate   12 years ago

Tribute To Mum The silent spectator always there, The nurse, the cook, the carer so rare. The merciful protector so peacefully present, The emergency operator never hesitant. The heavy carrier, the pain bearer, The lenient judge always fairer. The just protagonist, the brave spider destroyer, The ladybird saviour and the flower admirer. The selfless giver and joy bringer, The unstoppable shower singer. The safest secret keeper, The short interval sleeper The warm blanket bringer and treat giver, The mighty expeller of the slightest shiver. The wise adviser and the bike rider, The doubt remover and shop glider. The educator of right and wrong, The buggy pusher on journeys short and long. The fairest banker and the currency exchanger The first ever stranger. The Lord's right hand, the angel of peace, There are no better Humans than these.

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