Farewell Wonderful Opussians I'm sad to say, that I am leaving Opuss for the time being. I need time to travel before school starts back up, and I'm kind of a mess right now. I will leave my account on here, though. I don't know if I will ever come back; I don't know anything right now. A big part of my #life just came and went, all too quickly. I just haven't been the same writer lately that I used to be, and that's bumming me out. Maybe once I regain my skills, I will be up to more writing. Unfortunately, right now, I just can't. I hope you all forgive me! I want to thank all of the people who have stuck with me 'til the end; it makes me feel so wonderful. And, if you are actually reading this right now, I know for sure you care. I want to thank two people so very much; Ashhkat, for being so sweet, and giving all my stories a go. You are amazing! GeorginaMay, for inspiring me with her amazing #poems. Thank you! I will be gone for a few months. I'm going to Greece, then England, and China. A wild adventure that my friends and I have been dreaming of since we were kids. I'm excited to go; excited to finally get a fresh start. The one I've been dreaming of. 'R.I.P. Ithaca Quincy Claybourne. Never seen; Never forgotten. God bless this baby girl,' Your's Truly, Kayla Penelope Francis

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