Translate   12 years ago

Re-post Decided to re-post my first Opuss (posted about 5 months ago) and collect opinions It'a short, apocalyptic piece... Remember those prophecies? The ones which we laughed at? Joked about; 'Bring it on 2012!' ? They weren't all rubbish, except no-one's left to reflect on that, realise the terrible mistake they made by ignoring the Mayan calendars and dark truths hidden within the apocalyptic prophecies... Well, that's just their loss. See, if they'd picked up on the signs... Like, did nobody realise that the climate balance was out of control?! The hottest February in years, the next week, blizarding snow? The 'natural' disasters? The earthquakes, the tornados, wild fires, floods and droughts? They weren't there out of chance, they were all coincidental, planned, calculated and pre-recorded. Not that it matters now, everyone's gone, dead, blown to ash by the immense explosion from the centre of the Earth, subsequently creating a domino effect, destroying Earth, the solar system, the Sun, the galaxy, the Universe. No-one's left now, though. No-one at all to remember and reflect on 21.12.2012. The day the human race and any other species in which evolution worked so hard to create down to the finest detail was wiped out, in the Apocalypse.

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