Why We Do! Haunted by the man before him, he stood bolt upright slowly breathing heavily, but with the invisible control he had primed over numerous cases. He clinched his left fist, slowly blood dripped off a knuckle onto the apartment floor, but by time he threw the lightning right hand straight to the foe in front hand of him, he was too late, the foe had anticipated and threw the exact same shot. The mirror exploded into several large pieces, spraying itself across large spaces of the modern London apartment overlooking Tower bridge. Michael Cross stood over his foe, who lay over the apartment floor, reflections glinting in the October sun, Michael dropped to his knees, picking up part of the mirror which contained his foe. He looked harder, focusing his eyes; red from both anger and hurt, he grabbed for his whiskey glass and it hit him suddenly.. '5V53J' the code.. the church, the office... It all made sense now... 'JESUS'. He tried to tell me and now he has returned and she is dead! Could they be one of the same! Could she have been in on this the whole time and disappeared because she realised the truth! But would bringing her in jeopardise my career and also my friendship. Helen stood half naked, with only the fit of Michael's white formal shirt on, with every step, a split second reveal of pubic hair, trimmed to perfection and perfectly formed breasts, not all but enough to know, this lady was all woman.

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