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The Sun Sisters -- part 2 start --> previous --> next --> TBA Kaela turned around and sat down right in front of Aeryn and took her hands in her own. Aeryn winced when Kaela touched her right hand. When Aeryn looked down, she could see that both her own and her sister’s right hand where wrapped in a bandage. Kaela, with tears in her eyes, and a trembling voice, « had cuts everywhere on your body, most have healed, most likely from the herbal mixture you taught earlier this summer. However, the cut on your hand so deep it needed stiches. You also managed to cut my hand when you cut the rope on my wrists. It was not deep, and it is already healing nicely». Kaela took a firmer grip of Aeryn’s hand, «Sisters, united in blood, together forever». Kaela wiped her tears from her eyes, «...after we had escaped the outpost, I took your bleeding hand in my own. I could feel the warmth of your blood, and that is when that phrase just came to my mind. You smiled at me, and then you fell into my arm. I thought you had died in my arms, but your body was so warm, and I could feel your chest breathing. I made a makeshift ledge of some branches, and I pulled your where. And I’ve been watching you falling in and out of consciousness for the last two days». Kaela and Aeryn spent the next 6 weeks hunting and learning the ways of the forest, almost forgetting their planned trip south to Hudson Bay. With a huge amount of skins and other bushcraft materials, they started on their 3 weeks journey south. However, being young and lacking the experience, the trip took them twice the time. With winter breathing hard on their necks, Aeryn and Kaela barley managed it down to Hudson Bay in time. The day after they arrived at Hudson Bay, the winter storms swept over the small trader town like an angry spirit. With all their skins and most of their bushcraft materials sold, they managed to rent a small cabin on the outskirts of the town to last them through the winter. This was their first winter without their parents, who died in an avalanche along with their only other relative, uncle Sam, early spring the same year. Elvira and Pierre were Kaela’s mother and father, which had adopted Aeryn as their foster daughter in 1855. Aeryn was about 3 years old at the time. Elvira and Pierre did not know much about where Aeryn came from. Only that a Cree indian shaman had asked them to take care of the child. They had never seen the shaman again. Aeryn’s childhood was not easy for her. She always felt as an outsider. Everyone seemed to fear her for some reason, and she could never figure out why. She could even feel her little sister Kaela’s fear of her when they were playing together. The only people she never felt any fear from where her foster parents and her uncle. This all changed the summer of 1863. After the brutal raid and slaughter on The Northern Legion Trading outpost, Kaela never seemed to have any fear of Aeryn anymore. This gave Aeryn a renewed burst of #life energy. After what Kaela had explained, they now truly were sisters, united in blood. The next 10 years (1863-1873) of Kaela and Aeryn’s #life, they honed their skilled hunters, trackers and scouts. Kaela had a natural aptitude for medicine and her skills in trading rivaled the more experienced traders in Hudson Bay. Aeryn found a more pleasure out in the forest, earning her way as tracker and scout. The sister grew more and more closer as the years went by. They shared everything and their way of communication was almost like instinct. To other hunters they seemed to appear to know the other's thoughts. Some called it twins intuition. However, the people of Hudson Bay knew that Aeryn and Kaela were not twins at all. ...... to be continued

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