The Cutter; Chapter 1 "Please don't leave me!" Tilly was sobbing, clear tears streaming down her cheeks. "Why? You treat me like I don't have feelings. Do you know how much you hurt me?" Marcus's bags were packed and a determined look in his eyes. "I can change! I would do anything for you, please, Please don't leave me!" Tilly's fragile hands reached out to grasp Marcus's but She was no match for his muscles. "You brought this on yourself!" Marcus had a tear in his soft brown eyes as he walked out. Walked out on us. The slam of the door echoed around my head as I sat on the stairs, watching. This basically sums up my family, Crazy and stupid. I loved Marcus with all my heart and he stuck around for over 5 years which is more than I would have! You see, Tilly has problems. With the bottle. She would go out late at night and leave me alone in our apartment, whilst I would waste away my time worrying about her. She didnt care. Never did. She had me at 16 and always acts like I ruined her #life, that hurts most, Having a mother who could not care less!

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