Translate   13 years ago

Remembering Frankie Chapter 9 We where always together. At the park, river, hospital or at soccer matches for 8-9 year old girls and boys we had never met before. I guess we wanted to soak up what time we had together. "Yellow or Green?" she asked as we sat on the hospital bed together waiting for her doctor. "Do we have to talk about it Frankie?" I said moaning. "I know! Clay Pot, Any color exept for Black, rainbow maybe even light browns are ok. Just no black" She said writing it down. "Frankie please" I said holding back tears that threatened to push out of my eyes held shut. She looked up and saw my face as I lowered it. She wiggled in the bed until she was sitting behind me. Hooked her legs around my front and leaned on my back covered by a thick woolen jumper. "Clay, I want to do this even less than you. So let's stop and go to a waterside!" she said enthusiastically. "Frankie we have to wait for the doctor" I sighed. I watched her as she gazed out the small window of the hospital room. Most looked out on airports or railways but Frankie's looked out over the bay you could see the waves crashing on the shore and at night when everyone had turned of there lights you could here the waves as they rolled upon the cold sand. She always looked out of that window sometimes you could see her not listening as the doctors talked about cures and surgeries. She would just stare out the window dreaming of a better place. "So Frankie I believe that what we are doing will help in time." Doctor Mill trailed off. In time? What does he mean by in time? Frankie will get better she has to get better. I grip her hand her small petit hand flopping in mine as he left the room letting in a flood of Frankie's family. "Did he say it's working"screeched Frankie's mum "Are we going to go home?" was another. "What do we do next" was the third. Frankie slithered back down into her sheet creating a fort for her and I letting the voices drown out as we clung to each other. "Frankie please are you all right?" pleaded Tracey her mum. I slipped my head out from underneath the fort and told Tracey what the doctor said. She sees to perked up though I didn't when I heard what he had to say.

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