Stole My Heart cpt 10 everyone was crying expesially me and Kaitlin i new Amelia like she was my mum we went to bed without a word niall was snuggiling Kaitlin "she was the last family member i had" she sobbed to niall "Oh sweetheart" then he kissed her forehead wishing he could just pretect her. forever. the next day i jumped in the shower then put on a black dress (for the funeral) and tights i headed downstairs "Zayn this is the best house" i say "yep i know" he says "exept there is a pool…" then it all went silent as Kaitlin comes downstairs in her dressing gown and digs her head into nialls chest "sweety why arnt you dressed?" niall says "cause i am not going" Kaitlin sobbs "dont be a silly carrot" louis says "fine i will go but your all going to" niall then smiled and went to put on a black tux we headed to the funeral where everyone stood. all wearing black. we said our speahes and left

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