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English Homework... Thanks to Alex Murray for the story idea in general, check his stuff out! It was a normal dull Monday, and Jack was back to work.He took his normal quiet route past the many shops and through the thriving streets to his small business.On the way he saw friend Alex, and his dog on the way to The vets.He reached a corner.The traffic lights flashed bright red and he crossed quickly, and about half way across the motionless road, he heard a loud smash and a bang then black...he was out. Reports from the doctor stated he had severe head and neck injuries, and was in a coma, a serious one at that.He was apparently lucky to still be alive... The car hit him at about 70-80 mph but the impact with the lamppost slowed it slightly, just enough to not kill him. Jack woke in a quiet hospital room, the quiet sound of monitors beeping rang in his ears.He grunted as he felt around his head.It hurt, a lot."Where am I?" He whispered, as he unplugged the various wires in his arms and chest.Small drops of blood still stained his jacket. "Hello?" He said quietly. "HELLO!?" No answer.As he looked around he saw bright p red lights in the roof, and a dog ran past the semi-open door ahead."What the?". Then he saw a row of shops on one of the monitors, and some traffic lights? It meant nothing to him... After a few hours of confusion the dog ran past again, and he saw a man follow.Soon after a vet passed by with presumably the same dog, and the monitor switched back to the shops again, only to see a car accident happen instead.A man gets hit by a fast out of control car after smashing into a lamppost.A headache begins, and he realizes he didn't remove one wire , but falls asleep again. When he wakes up again he remembers some weird memories, of a hospital and a dog.Of red lights and a vet, and rows of shops, and some kind of car accident.He sees it's Monday, and heads off to his small business again,He takes his usual route and sees his friend and his dog.His headache re-appears again, and he feels confused.He moves on past the shops and his headache worsens.It brings back memories, of what he doesn't recall.As he approaches the traffic lights, something inside him says not to, but he waits for the red light and starts to cross.Just as he took his first step his headache turned to horrible pain and he collapsed, trying to grab onto the person in front, as he fell and heard a loud smash and bang...All he saw was black.When he woke doctors reports say the victim, a young vet, with a man and a dog, got hit by a speeding car, and both suffered severe head and neck injuries, as well as comas.They where apparently lucky to live. The vet eased open her eyes, it smelt of antiseptic and she saw through her only narrowly opened eyes, a man walk past the door, then she fell asleep. It was a normal Monday for Joanne, and she made her way to the traffic lights...

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