Translate   12 years ago

My Story CHAPTER 1 I was running. Fast. Concentrating so hard to get away that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. I stumble. It was gaining on me. I didn't know what it was or where it came from. There was a road. In the distance but it was my only hope. I got to the roadside but there was a tall fence in-between me and the tarmac. I started to climb, I could hear the beast but not see it. I got to the top and felt it nudging against my legs. I turned around to swipe it away. I slipped and my hand fell onto the spike. I was bleeding. A lot. I had to get to hospital quickly. Staggering to the other side of the road, I tried to flag down on coming traffic. Nobody cared. Anyway, let me tell you how I got to be in this situation. It wasn't even my fault. My mum and dad had split up about 3 weeks before. Mum was depressed and not in a good mood. She hit me and threatened to stab me so I grabbed my things along with some clothes and food. At first I had no ambition but to find my dad. I hadn't got a clue where he might be so I just walked to the park. there were some bushes in the middle, I knew I would be safe in there at night if I had nowhere else to go. Some kids had set fire to my bush when I was out one day so I had to move 'camp'. I found some woodland. And that is how I got to be where I was. Running from a strange creature and climbing fences. CHAPTER 2 I know it's not the best but it's my first Story and I haven't been through and glorified it. Any ideas for a title?

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