Translate   13 years ago

Stole My Heart cpt 7 "O MY GOD MY CRUSH LIKES ME TOO!" i thought "did you hear?" kaitlin said "Niall likes me!" Kaitlin says "liam likes me" i mummble "WHAT!" Kaitlin shouts exitedly "you heard me" i cheekishly said kaitlin sent the letter to niall with the word YES on it you should have seen him! he was jumping up and down. "we have good news Kaitlin" a doctor says "what!? what is it" "your mother has recoverd" the doctor replied "really, can i see her?" Kaitlin "yea you can see her" we walk in to the room and there she laid awake "your calcium has dropped heaps that is a good sign!" The doctor smiled "so when can i go home?" Kaitlins mum Amelia said "today hopefully" doc said "oh good" kaitlin said.

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