Translate   12 years ago

The Sun Sisters Intro: This is draft of a story I'm currently working on. Please dont mind typos and gramatic errors. English isnt my native language, and spell checking draft just takes to much time away from the creative process =D. Anyways, the story evolves around two foster sisters in the area around northern US and southern Canada. Timeperiode is from 1855-1900ish. Much inspiration is taken from the rpg Deadlands the Weird West. Please enjoy, and any feedback, good or bad is welcomed ........................ next --> ....................... The day of reckoning... the day the curse grew stronger... in the red... and the black. Sisters, united in blood... together forever. «KAELA!!?!» Aeryn suddenly awoke screaming, as if awakening from a terrifying nightmare. Quickly sitting up, she stared into a smiling and joyful face at the end of her bedroll. Kaela threw herself into Aeryn's arms, hugging her fiercely while whispering softly into Aeryn's chest, «... you're finally awake». Aeryn hugged her sister back. «What happened?» Aeryn asked after a moment. Kaela sat back on the bedroll. «Don't you remember anything?» Kaela answered in hushed tones. Aeryn looked out into the green dark forest around them «... I... I do not know. The last thing I remember was leaving you at the Northern Legion Trading Company outpost. You were going to sell the last of our knives, while I made one last hunting trip before leaving for Hudson Bay». Kaela looked at her sister puzzling. «That is more than two weeks ago now. A week after you left, the trading outpost was attacked by bandits of some sorts. They killed all of the soldiers and traders. The weird part was that they was not looting or pillaging, they seemed to be looking for someone or something. I hid in the meat cellar, waiting for my chance to escape. Three nights ago, I was caught trying to sneak over the eastern wall». Aeryn looked Kaela in eyes, «I should never have left you there alone». «But you came back» Kaela whispered back. Kaela rose to put more wood on the fire beside them. Facing the fire, with her back towards Aeryn, Kaela was trying her best to hide her lying eyes. With a note of terror, awe and sadness in her voice, she tried her best to tell what happened. «The night after I was captured, they held me tied up in the courtyard of the outpost. They were building a huge bonfire, and I was scared they were going to burn me on it. The Reverend that was with them was especially talkative. I could not hear what he was saying most of the time. However, from the bits of pieces I could hear, it was something about how important it was to kill someone before the night was over. One of the others, an indian tracker or scout, kept saying "no, the other one is coming". I do not remember much else myself, except that the outpost where attacked by something... I mean someone later that night... maybe some other bandits... I do not know for sure. Nevertheless, in the middle of the fighting you were suddenly there, quiet and swift in the night. Moving like you always do when out hunting. You got us out of the outpost alive» --- to be continued.

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