Translate   12 years ago

Going Alone. I woke up in a different bed, different scenery, where was I? This wasn't my house? The door swung open and Jake, a boy from my school ( well actually my crush) walked in, I thought for a moment thinking that it was a dream! " Great party last night and the things we did after that!" Jake said as he laid down a tray of lightly buttered toast and orange juice on the bed spread. Question's filled my my head...'what was he on about 'and the things after that'? Does he really like me? Did we really do 'it'? " Ohh...?" I replied! Suddenly I felt really sick and dashed to the bathroom, I held my head into the toilet, "I have to say you did down all that vodka by yourself...i'm not surprised your ill!" I continued to throw up in the toilet , I would grunt just to let Jake know that I was listening to him. "I better be off, my parents will be wondering where I am, thanks by the way!" I threw up one last time for the journey home and picked up the remaining stuff of mine in Jakes room and left. When I arrived home I continued to throw up. I heard footsteps approaching the bathroom door. It opened and there stood my mum "honestly Maci it's the 3 of august... Only the start of your holiday and your already hangover?" I stopped, frozen where I was... On thing kept on going round in my head '3 of august' my period was late. Four days ...four days late, it began to add up... I was being sick the morning after me and Jake did 'it' and my period was late ! I ran down to my nearest chemist bought a pregnancy test and ran back home. I slammed my front door shut and went into the bathroom. I waited 5 minutes for the test to season, there it was right in front of my face a pink plus sign...I was pregnant! To be continued...

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