It's Gotta Be You Chapter 3 I shake my head because for one thing, that is completely disrespectful towards Harry and another thing, why would he even say yes to that!? We are finally at the front of the line and I practically have to drag Bree because she is glued to her spot. I put her in front of me and look up to see 5 pairs of eyes looking at me. I look around at them and I see a pair of blue ones staring at me. Niall. He turns to Liam, who is right next to him, nudges his stomach and jerks his head towards me. What. The. Hell. He smiles and finally Zayn says, "hello girls. I am Zayn. What's your names?" Bree starts laughing like an idiot and says, "my name is Bree." they all look at me and I roll my eyes and say, "my name is Kaitlin." I look around the room like I was bored out of my mind, which I was. They frown, but Bree doesn't notice. She pulls out a picture and asks them to sign it. They say yes but the whole time Niall is staring at me. It is creeping me out. Finally, it was time for the picture. Liam looks towards Bree and says, "Love, why don't you stand next to me?". She squeals and runs over next to him. Niall is looking at me and says, "Kaitlin you can stand her in between Louis and I." I walk over and the whole time Niall is still staring. I stand next to him and say, "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" he looks at me, beet red and we all smile for the camera. It flashes and we are about to walk out when they call us back. Liam says, "would you girls like to hang out with us after we are finished with the meet and greet. I am about to shake my head when Bree elbows me and says, "of coarse! Where should we meet you guys?" they smile and Niall says, "Kaitlin, give me your phone and I'll put my number in. I'll text you when we are done and then we will pick you guys up." I groan and pull out my iPhone, giving it to him. He smiles as he put his number in. Liam looks towards Bree and says, "okay, we will see you later then!" we smile and walk off as Bree screams in my ear, "YOU HAVE NIALL HORAN'S PHONE NUMBER!!" I pull her along so she can get ready in the bathroom since she was crying. Who would have thought I would be hanging out with an obnoxious celebrity tonight? Well definitely not me.
Bree Philip
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Kaitlin 11yrs youngð
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