Translate   13 years ago

Young Love Chapter 16 I sat downstairs with Gavin in our room. It was still raining and Gavin's parents were upstairs waiting out the storm so we could continue sailing again. It was late evening now and we all were wanting to get back to the beach. "You look tired Callie." said Gavin "Why do you say that?" "Well your yawning." "Oh. Sorry." "Come on. Let me get you to bed." said Gavin as he lifted me off the floor and onto the bed. "I have legs you know." "Yeah I know." said Gavin. "I just feel bad because it was my idea to go on this boat trip." "It's not your fault." I said kissing him. "We got caught in a rip current. We had no control over that." "We should have just stayed on the beach. Then we wouldn't have been stuck on this boat for two days." "But then I wouldn't have had as much fun as I've had these past 48 hours." I said kissing him again. "Stop blaming yourself. No one is mad at you." "Okay." said Gavin grabbing me in his arms. "I love you." "I love you too Callie." said Gavin as he leaned in for a long passionate kiss. "You should probably get some sleep now. I don't want my baby to be tired." "Okay" I said. I curled up into Gavin's arms fell straight to sleep. I've never felt so safe or relaxed at such a stressful point in my #life. The next morning I woke up to the sound of seagulls and crashing waves. "Gavin get up!" I said nudging him. "Why Callie? Were floating somewhere in the middle of the ocean." "No. Were docked somewhere. Listen." Gavin paused for a minute before answering. "We are docked!" he said pushing back the covers and running towords the door. We ran up the stairs like a bunch of eager kids and our jaws dropped. "We're home!" I screamed. "Mom. Dad. How did you do it?" asked Gavin. "Well the storm cleared up around ten last night so we sailed through the night and docked about an hour ago." said Gavin's mom. We ran over to the side of the boat and jumped off the edge. It was high tide and we were still in our clothes but we didn't care. Gavin lifted me out of the water and spun me around in circles. When he lowered me, I kissed him. "We're home Gavin!" I whispered. "We're home!" he replied.

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