Translate   12 years ago

✨1D Imagine Part 1 ✨1D imagine part 1 long Melodys POV I wake up from the bench my name is Melody I'm homeless I have long black mixed in with brown hair I have sweat pants and a black shirt only clothe I have when I was little I had a mom and dad but then they died I ran away because I didn't want to go to an orphan. I'm now older I don't have money or a family I only have 1 friend Alex she's been my friend since I ran away she ran away the same day I did she has red hair that goes up to her waist she has brown eyes her eyes sometimes changes to green I have hazel eyes, we both perform everyday for money we sing songs we write since I don't know any songs. Well. Let's start with the story Alex's POV "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD" I say then Mel wakes up that's her nickname she falls of the bench he dirty face I have one 2 we had dirt on our foreheads and on our cheeks "What now Ale" she said Ale was my nickname "Time to perform our new song Stay strong" she gets up we both make a stage with weird things people start passing by us we start singing "

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