Diary Of The Mad. One - Introduction FICTION. Hello, my name is Evey. I am fifteen summers old. I am an only child. I am in foster care, living with foster parents. I am Mad. Do you want to know why I am Mad? You can't. I can't tell you what I don't know. And how can I tell you what the doctors don't say. What they don't say to me. So I will not tell you why I am Mad. But I will tell you about my #life. I can tell you about my small house in New Jersey. And about the people I live with. Jon and Emilia and Margot. Jon and Margot are the nice people that took me in. They are nice people......except when they look at me. I can tell whats in their eyes when they see me. They see exactly what's in my eyes. Madness. Emilia is their daughter. She is thirteen. I don't like her parents. I don't like anyone. But I like Emilia. She likes me too. She likes my stories. See, Emilia thinks I'm a good writer. And I am. But it's hard sometimes. Words, letters, even numbers.....they don't stay still. They run about and scramble when I look at them. Sneaky moving bastards. Emilia helps me write. She also helps me read the stories I can't manage on my own. When she reads my writings. I realize that I like my stories too. But I really like Emilia's voice. She has a clear, sweet voice. A singer's voice. And that's what she does. It makes Jon and Margot proud when she sings in choir or contests. Not my writing. I don't let them read my stories. Because my stories are Mad. Do you want to hear a story?
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