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The Rise Of Akuma The Rise of Akuma Chapter 1: Meeting Daisuke "Katsummiiiiiiii…" "Katsumi!" Katsumi rolled over in her sleep and snorted. "Katsumi, WAKE. UP." Katsumi opened her tired green cat eyes and saw a mysterious, calico, very young male cat. "AAAAIIIEEEHHGGH!" she screamed as she jumped out of her cat bed and onto the hardwood floor. "What the heck, Ryuu?" she shouted. Ryuu's multicolored tail flicked. "Daisuke sent me here." Katsumi groaned. Daisuke was rude, loud, and scary. But of course RYUU became great friends with him. "What did HE want?" Katsumi groaned. "He wants you to learn how to fight other things." Katsumi's expression of distaste morphed into an expression of mockery. "That doesn't even make sense," she laughed. Ryuu glared at her. "He wants to train you. So you can fight." "No way." Katsumi preferred the cozy indoors. "Me get my paws all dirty? You're kidding." Ryuu glared again. Katsumi sighed. "Alright, whatever. I'll come." Katsumi walked out the cat door into the freezing cold. She fluffed herself up. The silver#moonglittered in the sky. Katsumi snarled, turning on Ryuu. "You didn't tell me it was still NIGHT." Ryuu blushed. "I forgot, Katsumi. Sorry. You can go back if you want." Katsumi sighed. Maybe she was too rough on the little cat. After all he was a lot younger than her. And he did admire her. "It's fine," she growled. "I won't get back to sleep anyways. Let's see what the big dumb fur ball wants." In between the houses Daisuke and Katsumi lived in was a rather large road. Katsumi scrunched up her muscles and prepared to sprint across the deadly path. "What are you doing, Katsumi?" Ryuu had already crossed when Katsumi was trying to prepare. "It's alright, there aren't any cars at night." Katsumi stood, refusing to let herself to be less brave than a kitten of Ryuu's age. She put her paw down. The sticky black surface made her wince in disgust. She cautiously took another, then another, then another. VROOM. Katsumi heard the roar of an engine and frowned. Weird. Ryuu said there weren't any cars at nigh– Wheeeee. XD Almost done with chapter one. #overskill @overskill

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