Love Sucks-Chapter 1 Hi! I'm Zoiee Sin-Clarie. I'm 16 and in 11th grade at Charlotte PS12 high school in California. I'm a vampire. *Chapter 1* Okay the first day of school was tomorrow and believe me, I am not physched. 11th grade is not my year. I have friends. (duh.) But let's just say I wasn't in the "cool" crowd. Probably, cause I'm a freaky weirdo. Yay, I'm a vampire. But at least I'm sorta~normal. I seriously don't get why everyone freaks out about vampires. They only feed at night and I don't feed off of humans. My mom works at a hospital near my school. She brings me blood everyday and makes sure I have enough. I try to keep my cool at school but, somtimes I need to sneak a pack of blood or something during classes or in the bathroom. :/ I really hope you enjoy my story

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