Translate   12 years ago

The Begging Of Jay Here I am. Just me alone. A wall stands there before me. It is as white as a fresh blanket of snow on a cold morning during the winter months. I don't know where I am or what I am doing in this weird place. I stare up at the wall in confusion. Then all of a sudden the wall disappears. Once again it's just me. I'm not sure of my surroundings. Black everywhere. A light shines in the distance. I start to stand up but to my surprise I can't. I fall down almost instantly. I feel pain rushing throughout my legs as though they were broken. I begin to crawl. It's painful but I'm to intrigued by the light to stop. Finally after about what I could tell was an hour I reach the light. It was much bigger than what I had thought it was. I dragged myself out into the open. I was on a ship. The waves hit the boat with an intense force making me drift back and forth. I heard people yelling. Not ordinary people. Pirates.

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