Translate   12 years ago

Russian Reversal Three years past since I have learned what russian reversal is. Sadly, almost no one in Russia knows Yakov Smirnoff or his famous Russian reversal jokes. I've always thought that ability to laugh at problem is the fist step to its solving. Actually, Russia has no sense of humor. You may be put in jail for joke about mr.president or his fellow comrades. We have no satiric tv shows, no critics. The only humor show that we allowed to watch on tv is simple one - it is using primitive jokes about sex or those, who are already dead. Everything what happens here is like in a bad anecdote. "In USA you rob a bank. In Soviet Russia bank rob you". So-called consumer credits with insane terms. If you have no money to pay - your debt would be sold to special people. Those people would make you pay, if you know what I mean. And this would be legal, even if those people would harm your health. "In USA you assassinate politicians. In soviet Russia politicians assassinate you!". Here in Russia, politicians have special privileges. They are above police, above trial, above any law. You or someone you love may be hit by politician's car, moving far above speed limit, and die. No one would be responsible for that. Politicians even have the right to move as ambulance does. It is not as if I am complaining or something. Living in a place where laws have little force or are just words in a piece of paper has some advantages. You may freely download, share and use movies, music, software. You may see a lot of companies here in Russia are using pirated software. People could buy photoshop for like 3$ in DVD box and use it. No one cares. The anti piracy law exists, but does not working. Same as other laws. You may freely drink alcohol in public places. You may drop garbage whenever you want. You may not pick up yours dog poo. But it feels so wrong. Things shouldn't be like this. Even more, if you are in trouble - no one would help you. Police and courts are protecting only rich people here nowadays. You are on your own. I keep inventing those Russian reversal jokes sometimes. The last one is my favorite: "in USA you call a police. In soviet russia police calls YOU!" Actually I've never been in USA. But i hope things are different there.

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