Translate   13 years ago

Russian Roulette She zones out the world. But her mind is still racing. As she picks a new song to be blasted into her ears. Her goal is to forget. But the sound of the bullet blasting his head open keeps retracing itself back into her mind, and makes her shiver. "I'm going to die." She remembers him saying over the phone as tears fill her eyes. "You are going to be fine." She says between breaths. She can't lie to him. But how else is she suppose to give him hope? "No, May. I'm not." His voice cracked and his empty soul shivered. "How are you?" She asks the obvious. He sighs then chuckles. "Alone. Empty. I can't really feel anything right now..." He replies. May blinks out the tears then leaves her eyes shut. "I love you Mike." The tears start falling after she whispers that into the phone. She wipes the water away. "I love you too, May. I'll see you in Heaven. It was a-" May cuts him off. "No. You will not say your goodbyes. This isn't it." She said sternly. "I'm sad to say it is. I love you more than anything May. And I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you. Now...just picture me with my mom up there. Me being happy. And before you know'll be happy with some other guy. And I'll look down on you and smile. This will all be over. And you will be fine without me." He says. This only makes May more sad. She can't do anything. "Okay. I love you. Good luck." She whispered then hung up the phone.

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