Translate   13 years ago

Keep Your Wits About You! In my town it's no longer safe. The rebels run round trying desperately to kill what is left in my war torn town. I feel sick inside as I see right outside my window, the police/army storming to a rebel woman with her fragile little baby - who will soon have no mother. All this fighting - its just not right how innocent people suffer night and day, longing for their family to come back. But they will not. Many people struggle to survive. I'm in an orphanage, although not because of this terrible war. My mother died when I was 7 months old. My father died from cancer. Even in the orphanage it's not safe. A few weeks ago one of the younger children went missing. I always sleep with my tiny dagger my father gave to me the night he died. You can never be too careful - at night matron tucks us up, but in the morning you might be dead.

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