Translate   13 years ago

Winter Passes, Spring Lasts The snow falls slowly from the sky, covering the green grass, Everyday I sit by my window watching this, as days pass. The icy cold snow falls hard onto the ground, As I sit and stare at the scenery, without making a sound. The air is cold and unwelcoming, I can feel it from inside, That's why the white, untouched snow keeps me inside. The days go by as my heart still stays frozen, Who knows how many days it's been snowing, maybe dozens. Months pass by, maybe years, who knows? But then suddenly, I realize there is no snow. The green grass uproots from the ground, I get up and smile, not afraid to make a sound. I thrust open the door, and inhale the sweet smell of flowers, I stood outside my door, for plenty of hours. Everything stopped, and I took a look around, Everything had frozen, and there was no sound. And that's when I realized, right outside this porch I had, That to enjoy the good things, you have to wait out the bad

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