Translate   13 years ago

The Manor Part Four I soon found myself shoving on my old leather jacket on the hunch that my grandad had told me. He had instructed me there may be clues in a family crypt on how to track down and kill the vampire that has been taunting us for so long. As I walked down the cobbled pavement, cold and lonely I remembered the suffering this monster had caused us and the honour I would earn from killing him. As I approached the dilapidated crypt I was suddenly frozen in fear, fear of what I would find.... A fear of death. Not being able to move I thought about the situation and soon found the courage to drag myself inside the crypt, once inside I saw the marble glisten in the#moonlight, gems decorating the caskets of the desist and a mosaic floor a relic of our clans power. As I got up to the one in the center I noticed something odd, the casket was open. As I got closer i realized the significance, he was gone and I knew were

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