Translate   13 years ago

(Untitled) *unfinished* •On the road to riches U can't avoid the traffic •Climbing the ladder of success U gotta keep ur balance •U can't kiss your dreams If u don't embrace ur nightmares. •Before u try to walk a mile someone else's shoes Try to find ur right pair •Finger pointing's pointless The mirrors more revealing •Nowadays women use alot of cover up Thinking it's concealing •All those deep seeded issues That have left behind many tear soaked tissues •Than you avoid a good man for a bad one Only for him to turn around and diss you •Everybody's searching for that someone The one to fill that void Others seek to steal your joy •Silently persevere and tell your haters to kill that noise •Don't look too far ahead Because you'll stumble over what's in front of you. •Don't stoop down to stupidity Rise above it. You'll have a better point of view.

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