They Say... They say you'll meet a couple of wrong ones before you meet the right one. Is that right? What if you missed that one perfect person for you because you're too busy loving someone who's never even meant for you? Stupidity is rampant now a days. We often decide to love someone when we start to feel the roller coster thing inside us. The feeling of rush, excitement, sleepless nights, spending hours waiting for a simple message from that person and wanting to be with him/her 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Maybe for many, that is the definition of love. And we can never really blame them. But we should be aware of the two types of relationships. "the destructive and constructive relationship". Now, which relationship do you have right now? When we are in love, or under the spell of being in love with the word itself, we do things that we never even imagined of doing. Mosts are acts of stupidity. And the only reason we can give when we realized it's too much ... "you can't blame me, i was in love then" . But are you really in love? Or just being obsessed? Signs can help you distinguish the difference between the two. Love is never selfish. Love is kind. Love is give and take and love is wanting your partner to grow and seeing him/her happy. The only thing is that we always have good intentions but we deliver those intentions in a wrong way. We give, we take back. We want them to be happy but we can't even be happy alone. We want to see them grow but we often envy them. Love is not about competing with your partner. Love is never about who's wrong and who's right. Love is full of compromises as long as you both keep that compromises in order. We often seek happiness from the relationship and never realizing that we can always be happy with or without Someone. "first, learn to love yourself before you loose yourself on loving somebody" ---> the greatest advise i ever heard. (thanks to mom) Being obsessed is deadly. You want to give everything even your #life just to make someone stay. Being obsessed is sacrificing your right, your voice and sadly... Even yourself. Now that's destructive. One day you'll wake up you don't own yourself anymore and you can't even seem to live a day without that person. You will take everything even the cheating just to make it work. Sadly you are doomed without even knowing it. Never let someone abuse you because if you do, you will live each day of your #life as if you're a walking rubber duckie, only used when needed. Before we all turn sixty years old, we will meet so many potential #life partners but God created only one for each people. Some are given a gift of "single blessedness" Once you feel that you finally met that perfect one, take time to pray and ask God for guidance. Marriage now a days are disposable, but if you both put God in your relationship, nothing and no one will separate your hearts from each other. There will be trials, tears and tensions but it's all part of true love's journey. But with God around, you have an unshakable armor. By: kenrondilla

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